3 ways to do things when you don’t want to
Everyone experiences this feeling of not being able to do anything. Not just because you didn’t have time to do something or because there were emergencies, but rather because you can’t do it. Usually you’re mentally beside yourself or exhausted or just unable to care enough about something right now to do anything. It’s a kind of mental exhaustion more than anything else. Sometimes we feel physically exhausted because of it too.
What are you doing about it?
It’s not something you can fix by learning a new skill. You probably already have the skills to do what needs to be done. This is not something you can fix by listening to a motivational speaker most of the time. Motivational speakers often create excitement that pushes us to take action. When you’re mentally out of that, you’re not anywhere near that edge.
Here are some simple methods I’ve used over the years to want to do these things, so I can make them happen.
You need to get away from certain things and take a break. It can be a few days of total relaxation where you don’t try to do anything or worry about doing anything. This could mean a few days of vacation somewhere nice and sunny. The important thing is not to think at all about what needs to be done if you can organize it. When you come back, your mind is often relaxed enough to focus on what you have to do.
This isn’t something everyone can do depending on what you’re stuck on. If you’re a small business owner, there may not be anyone to delegate things to. There are things only you can do. However, there are things that even small business owners can delegate. There are many options for outsourcing work on the Internet. You can hire temporary help on site. Sometimes you can ask your family to help you. The key is to find someone to lighten your load and thus ease your mind.
But don’t do it.
Let yourself go. Don’t do it. Most of the things that get stuck or mentally checked out when they arise are things that we rarely absolutely have to do. There are a small number of things that are so important to our personal and professional lives that we absolutely must do without fail if we don’t want to cause a disaster. The things we can’t get done are rarely the things that make us the most money, attract the most customers, get the most done, or please the boss the most.
What is the common thread here?
We give ourselves a break. For what ? So that we can overcome what stops us from doing the things we think we should do without the added pressure of feeling guilty for not doing them.
Originally posted 2019-12-21 06:17:37 .